Anthony Marks Jr.



Anthony Marks Jr is the owner of Lion Hearted Entertainment LLC, which is an Audio\Video Production company that specializes in Multi-Media. He started the company during his college studies at Lamar State College-Port Arthur during Hurricane Harvey. Originally from Adamsville, an African American neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia, Anthony moved to Marion, Ohio. His wife, Jacqualine B.M. Marks, is a Marion native. 

Lion Hearted Entertainment had a chance go to the March On Washington 2020. Accompanying Anthony Marks Jr. and Jacqualine Marks was their close friend, Traci Mallory, also from Marion.  The group filmed and photographed the thousands who gathered to protest for racial justice and also to remember two earlier events. The March on Washington 2020  took place on the 57th anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Dr. King delivered his speech on the eighth anniversary of Emmett Till’s murder. “We were there to protest and to commemorate”, said Anthony, “and also to record the event. We have many pictures and videos from the event that we are willing to share.”

Below are examples of Anthony’s photography, including pictures from the March on Washington 2020.

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Cheryl McPeek Dodds